

Mom and I had a good laugh on our way to the gym today. We were driving along, and we saw this squirrel on the side of the road. It was just scampering about, then all of a sudden it dove right into a little bush! Like, it literally jumped right in, and all you could see was it's little tail waving around as it it's body was inside the bush. Oh man, mom and I couldn't stop laughing. It was too much!!

We saw another squirrel about a week again(once again on our way to the gym) and it stopped by a piece of scrunched up kleenex on the sidewalk. It took it in it's mouth and examined it for a bit, then just tossed it to the side and scampered away.

I think they are so funny sometimes!

Well, it's off to work I go now...I got my first unit for Gr. 11 biology in the mail, so I'm going to start working on that. Anyways...have a good night!

Love, Ash

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ash
You want to see squirrels… Come here to Cedarwood!
We have a regular menagerie going on all day long under the bird feeder!
Between many varieties of birds vying for their place for food, we have both red and black squirrels and several chipmunks there at all times. It makes for quite a few Kodak moments!
It will be interesting to hear how it feels to be back to the studies again.
Maybe it will come easier to you now that you know the goals you are setting for the future studies.
Have a great day
Lots of love Nan xoxo