

Yesterday, at work, I just didn't care. I don't know why, but I didn't feel like doing anything, so I just sort of sat there waiting for calls and reading my books and crocheting. Whatever, I said. LOL...

I also handed in my resume to a restaurant, hoping that I can learn how to become a waitress. I am going crazy with my job, and I'm not doing the best that I can. I'm just going through the day like at half-mast. I told Dad last night, "I just want to work with real live people!!! That way we can all be happy and nice and no one will yell at me just because I'm a voice on the other end." (However yesterday, if I had had a customer who yelled and screamed, I really wouldn't have cared.)

I know that there are hardships in every job, and if I do get a job waitressing I will probably have some more hardships stories to share. But I just want to get out of this place now!

ok...one day I will be content...I promise

Hope everyone has a good day!

Love, Ash


Anonymous said...

Hi Ash
Do not give up and get discouraged.
The Lord has something waiting for you in His time.
It is the waiting that is tough!
We are praying that you will find something else soon hat has a more positive environment.
Lots of luv
Nan xoxoxoxo

Christopher said...

Hey! That would be cool if you got a job as a server! I know I have really enjoyed it! I will be moving to a new restaurant here in a few months but I have been in this job for almost 2 years and to me it only feels like 8 months or so! Time flies when your having fun eh?

Anonymous said...

Hi Ash.
You are one great girl and we do not mind if you let off steam sometimes and vent you feelings.
That way we can identify when we go though frustrating times ourselves.
Lots of luv Nan xoxo