
My moonlit drive

Last night I was driving the van home from work, and I saw a couple from my work walking home, but couldn't stop safely enough to ask them if they wanted a ride home. So I turned into a nearby parking lot so I could wait for them, and I was just about to turn myself around when I noticed the moon.

Oh, words can't describe the beauty. I looked up and there was a HUGE sliver of the moon hanging from the black sky. But it wasn't yellow or white like normal. No, it was like the colour of a dusty rose, like a nice shade of pink like that. Oh! It was gorgeous! I just had to sit there and stare at it for a while, thanking God for the beauty that he has created for his own glory, and so that we can enjoy it!

Needless to say, I didn't take those people home(they went a different way anyways), and I just drove home happy to be alive!

Love, Ash


Anonymous said...

Hi Ash,
Thank you that you continue to paint your own word pictures as you describe the beauties of God’s creation for us.
Lots of luv Nan xoxo

Anonymous said...

More thoughts on your moon experience from readings I received to-day

"I like to think that the moon is there even if I am not looking at it"
Albert Einstein (1879-1955), German born US physicist
(On July 21, 1969, first walk on the moon)

The following is from to-days; Daily Bread Devotional
Apollo 11 landed on the surface of the moon on Sunday, July 20, 1969. Most of us are familiar with Armstrong’s historic statement as he stepped onto the moon’s surface: “That’s one small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind.” But few know about the first meal eaten there.

Buzz Aldrin had brought aboard the spacecraft a tiny communion kit provided by his church. Aldrin sent a radio broadcast to earth asking listeners to contemplate the events of that day and to give thanks.

Then, in radio blackout for privacy, Aldrin poured wine into a silver chalice. He read, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit” (John 15:5). Silently, he gave thanks and partook of the bread and cup.

God is everywhere, and our worship should reflect this reality. In Psalm 139 we are told that wherever we go, God is intimately present with us. Buzz Aldrin celebrated that experience on the surface of the moon. Thousands of miles from earth, he took time to commune with the One who created, redeemed, and fellowshiped with him.

Are you far from home?
Do you feel as if you’re on a mountaintop or in a dark valley?
No matter what your situation, God’s fellowship is only a prayer away. —Dennis Fisher

Just a closer walk with Thee,
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea,
Daily walking close to Thee,
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be. —Anon.

God’s presence with us is one of His greatest presents to us.
Lots of luv Nan xoxo

Anonymous said...

Dear Hash...I know you dont like
your job, but just pause for a
moment....and realize how important
your are to the person on the other
end of the wire...they are depending
on YOU to make them feel better,
they are reaaching out to YOU and
wishing they could also see you.
so be a good girl and listen with
love and kindness, and ask Jesus
to help you....love from me....
just carry on with your most
gracious way...you do not have
that much` time left to do this job
and it will help you in your future
job...there is a lot of distress
in the world, and perhaps this your
first listen....to it all
your future work....excuse spelling