
Sore Muscles...

Yesterday I did a fabulous workout that killed my hammys and my quads, but I feel great.  I love the burn after a good workout, and how it often lasts into the next two days.

I have been trying to eat healthier, but one of my vices is the sweet things.  My ND suggested that I just cut them out of my diet, 'cold turkey'.  She said that because I'm so addicted to sweets, it's harder to stop indulging if I give in for even one day.  This is going to be very hard for me.  I will eventually be able to have them again, but yesterday I kept dreaming of chocolate mousse and how wonderful it would taste.

For my workouts, I watch some exercise videos online, and I hear the trainer's mantras in my head all the time: 'Keep your food clean!' 'Keep pushin'' 'Think before you eat something'

I've also been praying.  Yesterday was a perfect example.  I was looking after my young charge in the afternoon, when all of a sudden he says, "Let's bake cookies!" My eyes rolled up to the heavens and I said to God, "Oh, Lord, you are going to have to help me with this one!"  I plopped dough on the pan, put it in the oven, transferred to cooling racks, all while everything in me was aching to just have one.  I prayed again.  "God give me strength..." And He did! I didn't have even one cookie.  It was super hard, but I'm not alone.  God is so good.


1 comment:

krystle ann-marie said...

I love the burn after exercising too! And how energized it makes me feel! Keep perservering, friend! You CAN do it! It's so true to think before you eat. I try to think before I eat.. am I hungry? Am I really hungry? It could be that I am just thirsty or bored or upset instead. When I am hungry, then I think what am I hungry for? Is this good for my body. Is it helpful? The more in tune you become with your body, the easier it becomes! :)