
Tonight's a little chipper than normal weather-wise. I kind of like it, knowing that it's not "snow" weather, but it's like the nice crisp weather of fall.
I'm finally going home this week-end! I think this is what...my third week here? no, my fourth. So, I'm looking forward to seeing my fam, even if it's only one full day...still excited! Plus, I'm getting my laptop, which Dad has faithfully been working on for me, getting it all upgraded and stuff that he does...Thanks Dad!!!
I got a wedding invitation today...for a wedding that's on October 8!! Hey, it's ok, I already knew that I was invited and that my friend was marrying. He's just really really late at getting them out. That's ok, I was so excited to get it! And I am so going! And definitely putting the beautiful invitation on my wall to decorate it...I know...I'm weird!
Well, don't think I should be up this late, but still have some work to do for tomorrow's 8:15 class...Entao, boa noite!
Love, Ash

1 comment:

Singing Lady said...

Hi Ash,
I seem to be in the pattern of reading these a day late! I check and there isn’t one and then I leave it and then I see it was there yesterday!!!!
Oh well, just good to hear what you are doing amyway.
The days here have been a bit cool and Pops has put the boiler on a couple of times this week just to take the dampness out of the house.
It will be nice for you to have a brief stay at home this week end. Don’t know if we will get to see you this time though.
Always fun to have a wedding to look forward to isn’t it!
Looks like you are burning the midnight oil with your studies these days!
I guess that is what it is like at college though!
Love as always Nanxoxox