
Casein Free: Week 1...

Today marks Week 1 on my dairy elimination diet.  In the past week I have tried my best to read labels, to avoid chocolate (which has been very hard), and to not complain when ice cream seems to appear out of thin air.  On the week-end, I had a sip of my sister's bubble tea, forgetting that there was milk in it.  An hour later, I had an itchy neck (which usually happens when I have an allergic reaction to something).  That being said, I don't think I could cut out dairy from my life after I am finished this 3-week hiatus.  I will merely have to suffer the consequences- and perhaps stop drinking two glasses of milk everyday.

Something I am grateful for is that I haven't been bloated or feeling gaseous, so I'm pretty sure it was the dairy that was fueling that uncomfortable body ailment.  However, we shall see what happens in a couple of weeks.

The part I am frustrated about is that I have been overcompensating with foods that I can eat, like eating cups of marshmallows, or over-eating at dinner.  I notice that I am now eating more meat than usual (which, from Jake's point-of-view, isn't so terrible).  However, there is only so much protein that is needed, and I am exceeding that amount in bounds and leaps.  I am determined to start eating better, like I was before, and truly watching my portion sizes.

On another note, please keep praying for Jake and I in our desire to do missions overseas next year.  We are still in the process, and still waiting for references; it has been somewhat discouraging, but we know that the Lord has everything under control, and we will go when His timing is perfect.


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