
My Testimony...

Good morning!

As I promised yesterday, I am going to type out my testimony that I read at my baptism yesterday for those who couldn't make it to my baptism with my sisters!

Here it is...

My Testimony

Hi, my name is Ashleigh Winder, and I am so excited to be getting baptized today(FINALLY!). I just want to thank my family and friends for coming today, to celebrate with my sisters and I as we step out in obedience to Christ!

I grew up in a Christian home, and when I was about 4 or 5 years old I asked Jesus into my life, with a little encouragement from my mom. Then when I was 12 years old, I rededicated my life to Christ. I realized that I was too young to fully understand the significance of my decision, so I wanted to take responsibility of my faith.

All through my childhood and adolescence, both my dad and mom were encouraging to me, and they were influential in teaching me about things of God. They always taught me that it is important to spend time with God in prayer and reading the Bible every day.

Even though my parents were wonderful teachers, there were obviously times where I would go through that I would never spend time with God. My teenage years were definitely a struggle for my parents and I, as I was very stubbourn and unteachable. I think that is one reason why I haven't been baptized until now. I was stubbourn and didn't want to move forward in obedience to God.

Today I am willing to be obedient to Christ and to be baptized here in front of my church and family and friends. Since I have been at Bible college, I have learned so much about Christ and what it means to be his follower. I must surrender myself to Him.

As I'm in my second year of college, God has been teaching me to be "teachable". He has been softening my heart, showing me that as a Christian I need to show the fruits of the Spirit.

Since I have been spending more time with Him, I have been praying that He will grow me into a mature, godly woman, and that I can turn my back on the things that I regret doing in the past.

I want to thank my parents for guiding me in the right direction, and although they're not perfect, God has used them in a significant way in my life. I love you both!

I also thank my grandparents for showing love to me, and for always being there for me. You are all wonderful encouragement!

To Mrs. gale, who is my mentor and friend, God has used you in my life to be my advice, and for giving me words of wisdom. You are a wonderful woman. Thank you for everything!

And to my family and friends, thank you for your encouragement and for loving me even when I don't deserve it.

I want to praise our Lord for His love, how He is always there for me. I am unworthy, yet Christ died for my sins. He has shown me a grace that goes beyond my human understanding, and I want to show my gratitude by serving Him in this life.

God has given me a gift to learn languages and connect with those of other cultures. This May I have a chance to go to South Asia for 2 1/2 wks with Wycliffe Bible Translators to see what Bible translation is all about. I am looking forward to this opportunity, and I pray that God will use me.

As I finish out my degree in Intercultural Studies over the next 2 years, I pray that god will show me how he wants to use me in service to Him, and that I will be willing to do whatever, wherever, whenever for Him! To God be the glory!!

Love, Ash

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ash,
How wonderful to have in print, a record of what we were privileged to hear as you delivered it on Sunday
This was a wonderful testimony of God’s grace working in you through your formative years, bringing you to this point of obedience to Him through your baptism.

I am sure He has great things in store for you in the future if you continue to keep your focus on Him,
Lots of luv
from NAN xoxo