
Hurray for Procrastination

This is the last thing I'm going to do before I stop procrastinating.
I went grocery shopping today, and I bought Goat feta cheese...if none of you have ever tried it, you absolutely MUST! It is amazing stuff.

I really don't have much to say today...I was just needing another excuse to write(rather, type).

Ok, well I'm going to get off this blasted computer and do something worthwhile! Hope everyone is having a stellar saturday!

Love, Ash


Singing Lady said...

Hi Ash,
It was good to talk to you to day and get caught up on your busy week.
This has left me with little to say as well, in commenting on to-day’s blog, after catching up on these last three!
Ha ha!
I too am procrastinating, as I put off unpacking my last suitcase after returning home to day from our week’s vacation!
I really wish I was still away but reality sets in fast once you get home so I had better get back to the job at hand or I will hate myself when my favourite TV program comes on soon.
Enjoy your goat cheese.
You should try it breaded and grilled and then flambé it with liquor. Oops ! Not at Bible college I guess! But it is a wonderful Greek delicacy served with warmed pita bread!
Enjoy your weekend.
Lots of luv Nan xoxo

Anonymous said...

Ummmmmmmmmmm feta goat cheese...i wonder who introduced you to that??? ha ha....i am all out and craving it myself...in an omelet/ i am also procrastinating....on a lot of things. this week is my personal "Not Gonna Procrastinate No More" week...it will be hard, but i must do it. Be inspired with spring just around the corner and the sun shining, and things will always be more exciting to tackle. Love ya, Babe ! You are my inspiration!!!!! Good dey! Love ya Mama :)