
Tried to put a pic of me up here, but it's not working, so I'll try again another day. Definitely got to speak to a Brazilian woman today at church! That was my excitement of the day! I think I'm going to be able to help teach her English, which will be sweet.
I'm kinda feeling cooped up in this school today, so I think I'm going to go for a walk now. I'm gone...
love, Ash

1 comment:

Singing Lady said...

Hope you can figure out how to do the picture . I am sure it will come back to you. You did some nice ones when you were away.
That must have been fun to speak with the Brazilian lady. I hope that it will work out for you to help teach her English.
Hope your walk refreshed you yesterday.
You see I am still a day latehere!
Luv you lots Nan