
Mid-terms, Reading, and Studying OH MY!

Ok, so I haven't written in a while, but I do have a good reason. I have been quite swamped with homework and such lately, and I just couldn't seem to find a reason to write a blog about my boring life as a student haha.

So, that's pretty much all I've been doing...either doing homework, thinking about doing homework, procrastinating on doing homework, or stressing over homework. And working. and hanging out with friends...when I'm not doing homework! lol

But seriously, it's been a good couple of weeks, but I don't remember the last time that I wrote.

This morning I was eating a canteloupe, and it made me think of Poppa. I never eat canteloupes anywhere else, except at Nana and Poppa's house, as just recently I started enjoying them. So, I thought of Poppa because now he can't eat canteloupes, and it made me sad. But I definitely enjoyed it for him, and I know that after his second surgery he will be able to finally eat the things he once enjoyed! Just keep pressing on, Pop, and don't give up! I love you...

So, I didn't write about this yet, but last Friday Oma and Grandpa came up for a visit and took me out for dinner. It was such a nice visit, and I'm so glad that I got to see them. Thank you so much for coming! I love you both!

Well, i should go and try to do some homework...

Hope everyone has a great week-end!
Love to you all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ash
I will be sure to print this out for Pops to read and eve though he can�t enjoy some cantaloupe right now , it will give him something to anticipate when the get everything reattached again!

Glad you had a nice evening with Oma and Grandpas to celebrate your birthday.
We will also have to have a rain check on that one for a future date when Pops can eat again!

In the meantime glad to hear that you are keeping on top of the homework and hope that the end results on the mid terms will reflect all your hard work.

Have a great weekend.

Continuing to pray for you
Lots of love NAN xoxo