
Peanut Butter Fail...

I wanted to do something nice for Jake, so after he left for work, I decided to bake some cookies.  Originally, I was going to bake chocolate chip oatmeal.  However, at the last minute, I decided to switch it up and bake peanut butter.  I don't remember ever baking peanut butter cookies on my own, and now I remember why.  First of all, they are so messy (I can't stand the way peanut butter sticks to everything), and second, I had no clue why the tines of the fork kept sticking to the dough when I was trying to do the criss-cross pattern.  They were starting to look pretty nasty, and I was getting even more frustrated and hot in my small kitchen.  Finally, I remembered that a friend of mine had posted a recipe for PB cookies on her blog, and there was a trick with the fork.  Sure enough, I found out that it's much easier if you dip the fork in water.  AHA! Thank you mbamamamusings!!
I also discovered that peanut butter cookies do not taste like the real thing when you make them with whole wheat flour.  So much for trying to bake healthy! I was foiled. Next time, I'm going to try my friend's recipe :)



On God's path said...

Peanut butter cookies are more of a challenging cookie to make for sure. Everyone seems to love them, but they are hard to mix up and require sticking your hands in at the tail end to make sure everything is mixed well. I find whole wheat flour has a different texture so maybe that needs to have an altered measurement. I also have a very good peanut butter recipe that has been used for three generations :)

Jake Rivers said...

I happen to have consumed 5 of said cookies. There was no trace of fail. They were yummy. You must be nuts.

krystle ann-marie said...


;) I recommend if you ever need a healthy cookie dough recipe. ;) Scrumptious!

MBAMamaMusings said...

If I am using whole wheat flour, I find I can't 1:1 substitute for ap flour. I usually go no more than half whole (i.e. if the recipe calls for 2 cups of ap, I go with 1 cup WW and 1 ap). I always figure that hey, at least it's a start :)