

Perhaps one reason why I have felt out of sorts this week is because I haven't made that trek out to the gym. Not once. I chose instead to stay in the comfort of my bed, thinking it was sleep I needed. My body is paying for it. I just remember that I dreamt last night that someone told me I had gained weight. What is with this obssession with weight gain or loss lately? Seriously, it's starting to really get on my nerves.

It feels rather muggy today. I am excited for true summer weather this week-end, and since I will be at home, perhaps I can go to the beach! I forgot this was the May "2 4" week-end, the one the partyer's in highschool needed a week to recover from their drunken stupors. I, for one, will be celebrating my one year with Jake alone on Saturday since we both have other functions to attend. *sigh* C'est la vie!


1 comment:

On God's path said...

GUILTY! I'm sorry Ashleigh. I just want to honour God with honouring the body he has given me.