
Just Another Sunday...

I love Sundays afternoons. They're perfect for napping and catching up on that book you've been meaning to read all week.  One of my only complaints is that they go by too fast.  Now that my work week begins on Sundays at 5pm to accommodate my Korean students who are waking up on Monday at 6am, I feel a teensy bit ripped off.  However, I'm learning to appreciate the slow way in which the evening rolls around, and how I don't feel sad or lazy because I have something to do.  I can't feel guilty for how I spend my Sunday evenings anymore because I'm working and being productive.

Today we had an impromptu lunch date with some friends, and then I decided to take a nap.  Before I went to sleep, however, I finished this book:

I highly recommend it to anyone who loves intrigue, mystery, pre-World War II, and that special way that authors of English literature write.  This is the best book I have read in a long time, and I have fallen in love with Kate Morton all over again.  I'm sure I mentioned the other one of hers that I have read, The House at Riverton, but The Secret Keeper completely raised the standard.

I'm looking forward to another week, which includes packing for our move next Saturday and hopefully more students to teach!



Anita said...

bizarre~ I too, have just finished this book - you introduced me to Kate Morton a while back and I love, love, love her writing!

Ashleigh Rivers said...

ah! so cool :) so what was your take on this one?

Anita said...

loved it! especially the twist at the end ~ it was perfect!