
Finishing a Trilogy...

I had a rather sleepless night, and woke up groggy and disoriented.  The morning has been slow and unproductive; yet I did finish the Millennium trilogy by Steig Larsson.

You might recall the first book in the trilogy, since The Girl With A Dragon Tattoo has been circulating and talked about for quite a while now.  In fact, the English version of the movie just came to theatre at the end of December (there has been a Swedish version since 2009).  While I would not necessarily recommend any of my friends to read them (Larsson deals with heavy subject matter), they were a gripping trilogy that I couldn't seem to put down.  The unfortunate parts were wading through the swearing and some graphic violence, and, since I am unfamiliar with police and political jargon, the books were tough going.  I was impressed, nonetheless, by Larsson's ability to embellish the characters with incredible description and back story.  Characters introduced even in the third book were developed down to the very last detail.

Unfortunately, Larsson died before he could even see his books turn into bestsellers-or movies for that matter. I wonder where his creative mind would have taken him, after creating the character Lisbeth Salander, whose tattoos, slight frame, intelligent mind, photographic memory, hacker skills, hostile sociality, and inexorable hatred of violent and abusive men have taken the literary world by storm.

What are you reading these days?



On God's path said...

Sounds good! I am not reading anything besides my Bible at the moment. I have no good fiction books to read and it saddens me. I think I need to visit my church library and maybe the library downtown would be a good option too :).

Anonymous said...

k... I LOVE reading your blog :) thanks so much for starting up again!!! I am reading The Maker's Diet right now... or trying to! I am also reading The Secrets Men Keep... that one not as faithfully... there is SOOO man books to read and so little time... or maybe too much time spent in front of the TV :O lol

love you!

Anita said...

to be honest, I am not reading much (other than blogs) at the moment, have found it extremely difficult to find an author that I enjoy - tried to read these books but just couldn't get into them, any thing you'd recommend?