Some of you have been asking me to recommend some good books to read, so here are some that I have enjoyed over the past year or two:
The Book of Negroes, by Lawrence Hill- A hard but realistic fiction book which follows a woman's capture into slavery in the early-mid 1800's. I loved the character development and the detail. It was probably the best book that I read in 2011 (hence being at the top of the list!)
Redeeming Love, by Francine Rivers- An all-time classic for some of us Christian fiction lovers, this one is a fiction take on the Hosea-Gomer story from the Bible. It's set in California in the mid-1800's.
Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte- If you want to step your Old-English skills up a notch, this book is perfect. It can be a bit dry, but I personally liked the intrigue and mystery of it. Heathcliff and Kathy forever!
Secret Daughter, by Shilpi Somaya Gowda- A secular best-seller in 2009, this book is an adoption story that will break your heart, but it's a very good read none-the-less.
Warrior Princess, by Princess Kasune Zulu- An autobiography written by an HIV-AIDS positive woman from Africa, this book will touch your heart and give you understanding of the reality of AIDS.
Hidden Places, by Lynn Austin- I would recommend literally
anything by Lynn Austin, but this one was my absolute favourite. If you like books that are set on farms, and deal with secrets of the past and understanding God's love, this one is for you.
The Help, by Kathryn Stockett- Aside from being a popular best-seller right now, this book is actually very good. If you haven't yet read about the two black maids who talk about their escapades working for white women, it's not too late to begin! An easy read.
Immanuel's Veins, by Ted Dekker- We all know that Ted Dekker is not for the faint of heart, and this book is probably one of the most disturbing but intriguing books that I've read. Think Twilight meets Christian values and you'll be right on track. I liked the Christian symbolism, as well as how "out-of-the-box" Dekker wrote for this one.
That's all for now. I tried to include a few different genres, since not everyone has the same taste. Let me know if you read any of them, and what you think.
Happy reading!
p.s. Jake and I had a reading contest last year. Guess what happened? We tied! We both read 38 books this year (although, he concedes that I read more pages than him, since most of his books were short). However, I am determined to read more than him in 2012. Bring it on!
1 comment:
Hi Ash
I think it is so great that you continue to delight in reading.
I always read a lot until I had the problems with my eyes.
It sounds like you have a great variety in the types of books you have chosen and I am sure that you and Jake have fun challenging one another to see who can read the most. Keep it up!
Lots of love from NAN
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