
We Start to Dance...

Imagine a rain shower.

The droplets faintly soak into your skin, and the air is warm, damp.

You start to dance, overpowered with an incredible urge to thank God for this beautiful weather. Nothing will stop you, swaying this way and that, jumping into every puddle. Your face lifts towards the tears of heaven, desiring to feel His strong hands touching your moistened skin.

In time, your clothes become heavy, encumbered with the water. It becomes hard to walk, hard to stay warm, hard to dance.

Just when you think you cannot take one step farther, you reach home.

When the rain showers of life try to take our joy, remember that we need only take one step to come home to the open arms of our Father, receiving His warmth and love, and relishing the real JOY that only comes from Him.

Thankfully, He never gives us more than we can handle.

I want to delight in Him more.



On God's path said...

Beautifully put Ashleigh, that is just what I needed to hear or read for that matter.

Singinglady said...

Dear one,
I am so glad that when we go through these times of difficulties that He is alwasy there for us.
I received this message tonight that ties in beautifully.

1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19

Father, we know that in uncertain times, our security is in You alone. Amen.

Lots of love NAN xoxox

Singinglady said...

Dear one,
I am so glad that when we go through these times of difficulties that He is alwasy there for us.
I received this message tonight that ties in beautifully.

1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19

Father, we know that in uncertain times, our security is in You alone. Amen.

Lots of love NAN xoxox