
Water Fountains...

I am realizing that I don't always enjoy air conditioning, and I feel infinitely spoiled for having it in my house. It actually bothers me quite a lot, as it is almost too cold. It's hard to do anything else about it, since I live with 3 other girls.

I enjoyed this afternoon's activity with the students. Arleen and I took them to downtown, and they were mesmerized by the old buildings and all the stores. They especially liked one of the Antique Stores, and it wasn't enough time for them. We took them to the library and instructed them to practice their English by asking a librarian for help. Most of them did it on their own. I was quite impressed! We walked around, and ended the afternoon at a water fountain, which looked much too enticing for its own good. Many of us took our shoes off and waded in it, and, of course, the guys decided to try to push each other in. One of them did have his shoes on, and they were a small casualty in the water fight. I love days like this, where we can all just be ourselves and have fun with one another. I feel like it allowed us to bond with each other.

I also learned that Koreans consider age from the moment a child grows its mothers womb, so when the baby is born, it is already 1 year old. So when I ask their age, they tell me their "international age". It is interesting.

They have a chapter test tomorrow, so I still have to prepare that for them.

I drove some friends to the airport tonight, and my heart was aching to go to Indonesia instead of them. The air was heavy with an exotic heat, and my mind kept reminding me that it's been two long years since I have gone anywhere overseas. *sigh* The good thing is, I have their car for the next two weeks :) Praying for their safe travels...

Praise the Lord for his blessings. Although I don't know how I'm going to pay for many of the things coming up in the future, I feel his presence and his love surrounding me.


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