
Hazy Heats...

Like a melting bar of chocolate on my fingers, so was the languid heat of today on my skin. I was basically dripping of sweat all day(if only it were chocolate!); not always a good impression to make for students. We were all hot when they arrived at the school this afternoon. I was humbled when, during orientation and reading of the syllabus, my throat suddenly decided to go haywire. I got this funny tickle that would not go away, and I could barely get a sentence out before I needed to cough or get a drink of water. It was absolutely mortifying, in front of these students I am to teach for the next six weeks. But I was reminded, in that moment, that I am not it. I am not a superstar. I am merely a human being teaching other human beings to acquire another skill in life. Pastor Joshua reminded Arleen and I that this is a short term missions trip. We are doing ministry, but in our own back yard, and we have the opportunity to share Christ with these students. I am eager to share with Sun Ah, Dae Ju, Eun Wook, and Mi Jun, to teach them and watch them grow and flourish through Christ's work in their lives. I am merely the vessel with which He will use to reach them. Please pray for us as we start on this journey!


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