
New Year's Reflection...

When I look back on 2009, I am amazed at how God has been at work in our lives. A lot of what He has done seemed subtle at the time, but now I can see that it was all a part of his greater plan. I remember being excited to go back to school in January after taking a semester off. I had no idea what God had in store for me. He blessed me with a part-time job at a tuxedo shop a month into the semester. He definitely taught me a thing or two there, not only with the people I worked with but also about myself. It was in that place that I collapsed and my heart stopped on April 4th. I know it was traumatic for my family and friends who stood by helpless and unsure, but God worked through that to reach out to people and to get their attention. After being released from my two and a half week stay in the hospital with no answers about why it happened and an implantable cardio-verter defibrillator bulging from my chest, I was about ready to scream in frustration and confusion. Even still I don’t know the reason why this happened. However, I know that God healed me and He has some purpose for this that we may not realize until years from now. God has been doing some implanting of his own in people, as we have seen a large population of students at Heritage College come to the school with a heart for missions. This has been a huge testament to how God is moving within us and within churches all over Ontario and beyond. On another note, I have seen my Oma go through a dangerous brain surgery to remove a tumour behind her left ear, and come through unscathed. Only God kept her safe and brought her back to us so that she may bless even more people through her testimony. He has blessed our family and given us protection, and even though there will be many trials ahead, I know that our God is stronger! May 2010 be the year we see how God is the author of life!

Love, Ash

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