
None of us are angels...

Last night I got the urge to make friendship bracelets again. I haven't done it in so long, but it's amazing how quickly it comes back to you. It is rather fun to make something so creative out of something as simple as thread.

I have to work today for five hours, but before then, Caitlyn and I are going to the mall because there is a sidewalk sale happening. My goal is to get tank tops, and only tank tops, because I absolutely need them. Any thing else would be frivolous!

After work, I am going on a triple date with Jake and four of our friends. One couple just got married about two months ago. I am looking forward to it so much! I am not sure what we are doing, but whatever it is, it will be fun! Work is going to go by so slowly.

I hope you all have a great day!

Love, Ashleigh


Singinglady said...

Hello again
It sounds like you were having fun as you made a new friendship bracelet.
Who is the fortunate recipient?

I hope your time at work goes quickly and that you will have fun at the sidewalk sales and will be able to find some great bargains as you shop for new tank tops.

Have great evening as you get together with Jake and your friends.
I hope you have a lovely weekend too.

I am going to a bridal shower tomorrow for my cousin Gayle’s daughter.
Heather is getting married in at the end of August.
Your mom was a junior bridesmaid at Gayle’s wedding! Poppa will drive me there as it is in Scarborough and I do not want to drive into the city by myself.

Love you and send you many hugs and kisses.

Singinglady said...
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