
Brighter than sunshine...

It was so good to see the sunshine streaming into my bedroom this morning as I woke up, realizing that I somehow managed to turn off my alarm clock during my sleep, resulting in oversleeping by almost an hour and a half. Although it was not necessary for me to get up early today, I was slightly annoyed to have slept in yet again, as I wanted to get some things done this morning.

Yesterday I discovered that bellydance classes are starting up again. I am sure I have been driving Jake crazy with constantly talking about my desire to learn how to bellydance, so I am pretty sure I am going to have to take these classes. If I don't, I know I will regret it. Bellydancing is such a great form of exercise, and since I don't enjoy lifting weights or anything else, I think I will really enjoy this.

I was really encouraged during my devotions this morning. I love it when I discover something in my Bible that I have already highlighted from reading before, but it somehow applies to my life right at this very moment. It's like a flashing neon light that catches my attention and burns God's very words into my mind. I know without a doubt that God can give me the strength I need to resist temptation, to be confident in my own convictions, and to be proactive in my pursuit of purity in all areas of my life.

I am so grateful to my family for being so supportive for me. I enjoyed being home and catching up on all I miss when I am away. I feel their love and encouragement so strongly, and I know God has blessed me with such a wonderful and loving security net to fall back on when I need to.

I should go and eat something. Today I plan on making perogies for lunch-they are so delicious!

I hope everyone has a great day!


1 comment:

Singinglady said...

Hello my darling,
Well here I am, backed up with your notes again, but with good reason this time.
My day yesterday was sure not one I would want to repeat again!

The pain I was feeling before the emergency root canal pretty well sapped all my energy and thoughts.

Today is much better as the procedure helped and the antibiotics and pain meds are kicking in.

It is good to se that you are open to God as He speaks to you through His word.
You have many aspirations going on in your life and who better to receive instructions from than from His Word.

You are blessed to have your family supporting you in so many ways and the love that we have for you will always be there.

I hope that things work out for you to at least give the dancing lessons a chance if that is your desire.

Glad to hear that you are looking after your physical needs as well and trying out new things in your food preps.

Hope the perogies measured up to your expectations.

Lots of love NAN