Just a casual little picture of some waterfalls...BRINCADEIRA GENTE!!!(KIDDING!)
I love pictures of waterfalls...and this one happens to be on the property of Andréa's boyfriend's house. This is where the adventures of A&A took place(don't know how many of you remember those...I think it was in March or April, back when it was warm enough to go swimming!)LOL
Anyways, this is beautiful...hope you enjoy it.
Not much to write about today, people. The kids are going into vacation now, so today they were just writing final tests at the English school.
I have something to say...I don't know about where you live, but at my house the garbage men come by to pick up the garbage around 7AM or so. Here they come around 10 or 11PM. Kinda strange, but it makes sense...not many cars around anyways!
This morning I went for a walk. It felt so good to get out walking again. I have to keep up this habit, becuase I'm starting to lose all my leg muscles I had from walking 2omin. to work everyday in Canada! (LOL ...no they're not flabby...yet!!! )
Anyways, enough about me...let's hear from you guys...what do you want me to write about? Just post a comment and I'll write about it in my blog!
kk, well ttyl
Love to everyone
Love, Ash
1 comment:
Hi Ash.
Well I guess this one is “hot off the press” so to speak!
Good to talk to you on MSN or I likely wouldn’t have known you posted a new one.
It is pretty late isn’t it!
Burning the “ midnight oil” ..Brazilian style!!
I like the waterfall picture too.
I enjoy seeing water pictures, but it must be even more exciting to see the real thing!
You are soliciting questions??? Here’s a couple!
How long will the children be on vacation?
What do you do now if school is finished?
Is the work finished a Vôo livre as well?
When do the ladies from Canada come down that you will be translating for?
How far is Taguatinga from Brasilia?
Pops and I were having a bit of a discussion about that about that one.
Hope that you will feel better after you start your walking regime once again.
We need to do the same thing.
I feel pretty logy after this past few months of in activity.
Hope you have enough things going on to keep you “out of mischief” for the next while.
We continue to keep you in our prayers every day.
Lots of luv Nan xoxoxo
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