Well, I went to Águas Lindas again on Wednesday, and stayed until Friday. It was a good 3 days, and Sadie and I did lots and lots. Wednesday was just a normal day...except that I learned how to make "Moqueca de Peixe"...such a good meal!!! I will make it for you when I get home!
(I wrote the recipe down)
Also, I don't know if some of the people who were on the team from my church in November remember that one girl at Vôo Livre who was pregnant...well she had her baby 4 months ago and just started coming out to classes again last Friday. She is only 16 years old, but my goodness, she holds her baby the wrong way, and now that it's so cold, sometimes she doesn't dress her baby in the appropriate way. I feel so bad for the baby, because she is so young and vulnerable! However, because she is poor, she really has no way of knowing how to act otherwise as a mother. Sadie said we just have to show her love, and she will show it to her baby. So, please pray for Graciete and her baby Maria Eduarda.
On Thursday we had the classes for music and knitting and crochet. I can't help with music because I don't know the terms in Portuguese, and knitting is so difficult fo me. But crochet I can do, so I was able to help the girls with that. But that craft class, my goodness, it tires SAdie and I out. Some of the girls are all thumbs, and no matter if I show them how to do it a million times, for some reason they can't get it right! Some of them pick up knitting or crochet right away, but others it doesn't come naturally!
Then Thursday night we had a church service at Joyce's church,but we didn't know that the pastor's wife used that time as an excuse to throw a surprise birthday party for her husband, so it was such a good time! He was so surprised and overwhelmed that he started crying, and then eventually his wife and son started crying too. It was so cute!
On Friday Sadie taught the morning class, then she had to go somewhere in the afternoon, so I led the afternoon classes all by myself again!!! I love it so much!
It's so nice, the last class of the day, because all of the people want to learn English, and plus they're between the ages of 15 and 32, so they're not very young! It's awesome!
Not entirely sure what I'm doing today, but I hope that everyone has a good day.
Please pray for Joyce...she is so so busy, and I'm not kidding. Everyone expects her to do everything for them all at once, and all the time...and you know what? She has to do most of it, because she has a car and she's the missionary there. So she doesn't have much time to rest and reenergize. Please pray that God will give her a little time to rest, or that He will give her energy!
Até mais, gente!
Love, Ash
Wow, amazing! We actually beat the singing lady!Good to hear your notes for today. Good to see you through pictures and put a face on the kids/adults you teach. Glad to hear that you are keeping up with your hand skills...do you play piano much? Hope that you can encourage the young girl with the baby, after all, you have certainly had lots of experience holding babies(siblings) in your lifetime. We will pray for you and especially for Joyce...it sounds as if she needs more help to do these errands. We will pray. Wow, it's good to hear about your enjoyment of teaching. For a while there we thought that you weren't liking that aspect. it must be that now you are more fluent you can express yourself better, eh?
Keep up all the journalling..it's great to hear from you. Love the fam
HI Ash .
It’s okay not to be #1 when it is the fam 'o Leigh that is ahead of you!
I am sure that you will miss all your class friends as you spent these last few days with them at Vôo Livre...
Our prayers will be with Graciete and her baby Maria Eduardo. Hopefully she will be able to learn soon how to properly attend to the needs of her little one.
Actually it is a "baby caring for a baby", which makes it so difficult!
It has been so wonderful to watch you emerge yourself,through these past few months, as you have gained self confidence with the language, teaching various skills and being able to be in charge on your own and even picking up some cooking skills to show us when you return home!
I guess knitting is not one of your “stronger suites” but that’s okay!!
You can help with the crocheting and music instead!
It sounds like Joyce is in need of some “mega” help!
Is she on her own at the times when you and Sadie are not there?
We will certainly pray that she will be able to get some help, some much-needed rest and not become stressed out!
Again you had another full evening to be a part of when you attended the surprise party for the pastor on Thursday evening. Sounds like another fun time.
Hope your day turned out to be a good one and that you weekend is happy too.
Lots of luv and prayers for you in the remaining time you have there.
Hugs and kisses from Nan xoxoxo
Ash, this is the first time I've been able to get onto your bolg and I was so interested. I love you and will send a long Email soon. Love Gail Gale
Ash, this is the first time I've been able to get onto your bolg and I was so interested. I love you and will send a long Email soon. Love Gail Gale
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