So, now that I am all excited about the picture, I will continue. The third game is tomorrow, at 4PM, between Brasil and Japan. Hopefully that will be a good game too.
Yesterday was a good day of helping at the school. Andréa needed to study for a test she had last night, so she left me in charge of her 3rd class all by myself!!! It was good, and we just did 2 conversations and some listening work. After that was over, I gave them homework and we still had a half an hour left. The boys all wanted to leave early, because they wanted to watch the game between England and France. They kept bugging and bugging me, and finally I asked Andréa if it was ok, and she said fine. So they left 15 minutes early to watch the game!!! Crazy people psycho for soccer. Man, it's so funny.
Then after that I helped another teacher Polyana, with her class, and came home with Cristina in the crazy rush hour traffic of Brasília. I'm so glad they know how to drive in it, because I sure am terrified!
By then it was 7PM, and I had been at the school since 2PM...so it was a good afternoon!
Today I'm going to Águas Lindas again to do English review with my kids there. It's going to be a great day!
Tomorrow I am coming back in the afternoon to watch the game and say goodbye to André!!!I almost cried yesterday when I hugged him. But his wife, Celça, said that anybody from my family is welcome to stay at her house in Natal whenever they come to Brasil. So, there you go! I hope they take her up on that!
I should go now, it's almost time I have to leave. Glad that my family has met Graça already, I knew that you guys would like her!
Canada Day is coming up, and so is my sister Vanessa's 12th birhday, and don't you worry, I'm not forgetting either! AND it's my brother Graham's gr. 8 Graduation tomorrow...and I'm missing all of this!!!
Well, hope you all have a great day...wherever you are, know that God is watching over you! Thanks for all your prayers! Love, Ash
P.S.: Enjoy the picture!
Hey Ash. Way to go girl! Love the picture! Very cool decorations! I’ll bet the kids love it! You are really doing well to be left in charge if the grade 3’s. What experiences you are having!
I am sure it will be hard for you to say good-bye to your friends tomorrow.
We hope we will get the opportunity to meet Graça while she is here as well.
Emily’s grad was lovely and she looked beautiful in her graduation dress.
She really spoke well with her valedictorian speech.
We are looking forward to going to Orillia tomorrow night for Graham’s as well. My old camera is sure getting a work out these days.!!!
Try to stay focused as everyone prepares for tomorrow’s game.
You have us checking it out now as well!
Edmonton lost the Stanley cup in game 7 on Monday night but we didn’t watch as we were away. Do you follow the hockey there or at least get the results?
Thanks for #46. Hope you enjoy your knitting classes! (Tee hee!)
Lots of luv, hugs & kisses
from Nan xoxo
Oi Ash, thanks for the great picture, very festive! Last night was festive at Graham's Graduation. Balloons and streamers in red,blue and silver, lights and stars all over the stage area and tears in my eyes. Everyone was dressed beautifully, and Graham was very handsomely dressed...we had to work hard on a smile...it peeped out at times. A good number turned out to be there for him.He went out to a party at the Stanton's with the class for campfire and games until 2 A.M. He is still recovering from the trip too. Parties all around the world, eh? for all kinds of celebrations...Brasil won again..i'm sure you had another victory party. glad that you are experiencing lots of class time to get the feel of it and your independence there. So proud of you.
We read daily and love it when you remember us here and all the things you are missing. We truly miss you too and hold you dear in our hearts and prayers. Love Mama xoxox
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