Yes, today is the game between Ghana and Brasil...it started at noon, and it still isn't over. So far Brasil is winning 2-0!! (Seriously, was anyone doubting that??! LOL) No, Ghana has really strong players, and they play very well.
But I'm still cheering for Brasil! Qual time voce torce??? (What team do you cheer for?)
Tomorrow Celça is leaving for Natal, to join André there. Luiza is going with her! :(
And then Pâmela is going next Monday, all by her 8-yr old self on a big plane! She'll be fine.
But I'm kind of having a problem...tomorrow I have to go to Àguas Lindas. If Sadie still isn't feeling better, then I really do have to go no matter what. They are having a big special lunch for Celça, and I don't want to miss it. What can I do???!!! I hate these kind of problems...ya just feel like tearing yourself in half and doing both of the things you want to.
On Saturday(CANADA DAY!!!) there is a work day at Vôo Livre. There are people working on the buildings all the time(the electricians just put in the lights), but this day a whole bunch of people come and work on the buildings. Joyce(the missionary) plans these days once in a while, and she has some ladies come and make lunch too. So everyone works in the morning, takes a break for lunch and Bible reading and singing, and then go back to work for the rest of the afternoon. It really is a good time. So I hope that alot of people turn out. I think she's having them put tiling on the roof...or somewhere, not too sure.
It's funny how here in Brasil, they don't really try to balance the different food groups. For lunch today, we had rice, beans, macarrão(speghetti), chicken in a tomato sauce with potatoes, and salad. So we had 2 grain products(rice and pasta), and 2 were meat products(beans, and chicken). It's pretty much like that every day. You know what??? I don't think they really care...they just love their food, and Vera cooks SO incredibly good!
I will probably write later...maybe...and tell you how the game went, if you don't already know. In the meantime, take care, and God bless!
Vai com Deus(Go with God)
Love, Ash
Hey Ash,
Kathy beat me to it this time!!!
I was so busy working on posting pix on my Blog so you could see Graham’s grad pix and Mel’s prom ones that I totally forgot to check you out!! Hahaha!
We actually did watch the last part of the game to-day and yes the players on both teams were excellent!!
Even though we are not real sports fans, we have gotten caught up in the excitement, as you have filled us in on how seriously the people there take their sports.
This was a headline from the CBC newsnet
'Ghana likes to think of itself as "the Brazil of African soccer." CBC News'
"They [Ghanaians] faced a great team, the world champions, they are the best in competition, defending champions,"
Ghana coach Ratomir Dujkovic said.
"It is not a shame to lose to Brazil."
Brazil has now won a record 11 straight games at the World Cup and has not lost since the 1998 final..
Aren’t I impressive with my knowledge of Brazil’s achievements!!!
Tee hee!
I hope things work out for you tomorrow with your conflict of interests.
Life isn’t always easy is it?
Loved your picture once again. I have the last one up on my desktop so I can see your sweet face all the time!! Lots of luv Nan xoxoxo
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