
Toucans And Another Anniversary...

There is a big tree in our yard, and on two occasions, Jake and I have spotted toucans flying in for a few moments, rustling around in the treetop, then flying away.  The first time, I was doing some lesson planning on the porch, and I couldn't believe my eyes.  I'm sure many of you have seen them in zoos, but their beaks are absolutely enormous.  I found out why on Saturday evening. 

They are carnivores.

That's right, that cute lil' "Toukie-toukie!" on your morning cereal box eats innocent little birdies out of their nests. Lovely.

On another note, the church we've been attending celebrated their 25th anniversary yesterday.  To commemorate, they had a lovely lunch after Sunday school, and a guest preacher in the evening.  The pastor even led us in a rousing Portuguese edition of "Happy Birthday" after the evening service!  



Unknown said...

I will never be able to look at toucans the same again. lol Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ash
I have never seen anything but pictures of Toucans and really did not know anything about them.
We are sure learning a lot these days from you.
Sounds like you had a great day yesterday at the anniversary lunch and evening service too and I hope your Sunday school lesson was well received as well.
Lots of love NAN