
Comin' Along...

We've been saying for a couple of weeks now that we need to get our teaching preparations completed before the actual day of class.  Even though we have plenty of time to prep during the day of(most of our classes don't start until 7pm), we both get too stressed out from the pressure of needing to get it done, not to mention getting anything printable to the copy place in an appropriate amount of time.
Needless to say, this type of preparation never helps us to feel adequately engaged with the material, nor does it put us in happy teaching moods.
What we would prefer happened this week ...I can hardly believe it!
On Monday, I prepared Tuesday's and Wednesday's classes while Jake finished up his class for the intermediates.  Then yesterday I completed Thursday's class, leaving enough time for touch-ups and review the day of.
The lack of stress is so incredible. It's not like we're doing any less work-in fact, we're doing more because we're giving ourselves extra time to think.

Jake teaching our Wednesday night Intermediates

I'm really desiring and praying  that this won't be just a fluke week, but that the lesson of planning and preparing ahead of time will stick with us for the rest of our lives.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ash
It sounds like you have gotten a handle on the preparations for your lessons this week and our prayers will be with you both that they will go well and be easily understood by your students.

Much love from NAN xoxox

Anonymous said...

Hi Ash
It sounds like you have gotten a handle on the preparations for your lessons this week and our prayers will be with you both that they will go well and be easily understood by your students.

Much love from NAN xoxox