
Bigger and Better...

Yes, this rainy, cloudy day is Jake's last day as meat packager.  After this we will be traveling, visiting, and doing last minute prep for our trip.  

I woke up to raindrops hitting my face.  While I was still in bed.  Personally, I don't think that should ever be allowed.  But I as I got out of bed to close all the windows, to my dismay I discovered that the rain had been coming inside for quite a while before I noticed.  Everything on the ledge was wet, the edge of my bed, the night stand, everything

Water and I just haven't seemed to be mixing these days.

I'm off to eat some clean-eating brownie waffles.



Singinglady said...

Hi my darling Ash
Definitely not a nice way to be awakened but hope that in light of the positive way things appear to be progressing for your trip , that it didn't dampen your spirits too much and that it wasn't too difficult to clean up and let things dry up.
Looking forward to seeing you soon Prayers continue for the mission trip.
Lots of love from NAN xoxo

krystle ann-marie said...

Thinking of and praying for you and Jake during this time! p.s. Can you share the clean-eating brownie waffles with your readers? ;)