Yes, yes, I know. It's been a while. In fact, this has been my worse blogging year to date. And we're going on five years now. I just checked, and it was five years ago yesterday that I wrote my first blog. Wow, so much as happened since then. Being married is probably the biggest change that has happened in my life. I defy anyone to challenge me on that!
This past month has been filled with so much stress, mostly due to school. I'm set to graduate on April 30th, and have to finish all my homework by April 15. I have a lot to do in that time. Jake has been a good help to me, offering to bring well-seasoned and timely advice when I need it. Not only that, he is my biggest supporter, and he wants me to graduate as much as I do. It's been five years, and I'm so ready to move on to the next step. I am intending to do get my certification in TESOL in the next coming months, so that I will "have a clue" when teaching English. That is a must for me, since I hate doing anything without being fully informed.
Tim Horton's is going alright. I was feeling somewhat content for about a week, then last night, something snapped, and I am feeling rather stuck once again. I think there is a huge fear that with all the work that I'm doing there won't be enough time to do homework. Valid enough.
One of the girls that I was specifically praying for got fired last week. That was a huge blow for me, since I don't have any contact info at all. I was very concerned about her, and hope that she is going to graduate highschool. Since then, a new girl has been hired, and she was sweet enough to drive me home tonight. I hope that I can be a good influence on these guys (they're all between the ages of 16-19). I know that when I come to work with a lousy attitude, it sends the wrong message. I want God's light to continue to shine through me. Please pray for my attitude in that place, as well as whether I should stay there or quit and concentrate solely on homework. It's not only the homework time it's killing, but also time with Jake. Either we were spoiled the first three months, or I'm a liar. Neither of us have been home long enough (or lucid long enough) to cook a decent meal in a long time. Because he's been working nights for the past two weeks, we only see each other a bit in the morning and then he would visit me for my half hour break at four. I guess I have a lot on my heart right now, but I know that only people who really care read my blog (since I don't feed it to Facebook). Please pray for us. This next month and a half is going to be a big haul, and I need every ounce of motivation to get my butt in gear and finish my assignments.
In more positive news, I have been able to read some more fiction books, and one that I just finished reading was called A Mother's Hope, by my fav author Francine Rivers.

It was about a girl who grew up into a woman and mother, basing her decisions and treatment of her children on her past experiences. It really helped me to think about how I will be as a wife and ultimately a mother, and how the way my parents treated me will affect my actions.
Speaking of babies, my sister, Mel, is expecting! She and Nathanael will be proud parents (I personally think they will have a son) in September. This will be my first "nephew", and I am so eager to be a doting "auntie" (however doting I can be living two hours away).
Well, I wish everyone a pleasant evening. Perhaps my next blog won't be so far away...
1 comment:
I love the way you write! Can't wait to read more!
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