
My Day...

Being Ash Wednesday, of course, I was able to celebrate the day I was born bla bla bla.

Just kidding, but I couldn't help but think that there should have been a celebration for such a wonderful name and date, because it's also exactly 8 months until my birthday.

Who actually knows what Ash Wednesday is for? I don't really, they only thing I know is that it is the beginning of lent, and the beginning of the time people give up something for Christ. This could mean they either want to give up something that distracts them from spending time with Him, or either to focus on His suffering, only to break Lent to rejoice in his resurrection at Easter. Around here, it is quite common to see people giving up sweets, or Facebook, or desserts to get out of bad habits. However a friend of mine told me that all these are things that most people should be cutting out anyways. She is going to try not to speak negatively about people, and to stop and think about their situation before she says something too critically.

Whatever the meaning of Lent, and no matter the controversy among believers on its real intent, let's think about this: instead of simply giving something up, what about a focus on adding something positive and Biblical into our lives, like actually allotting time to pray in the morning, or trying to phone someone each day and speak words of encouragement to them? We can all do these things, it's just a matter of purposing to do them for 40 days. It means writing reminders in our calendars or cell phones. It means having an accountability partner who will ask you if you are doing these things. I know someone who texts her friend every day at 6pm to ask her if she read her Bible that day. That is intentionality. We need more of this, Lent or not.

Ash Wednesday-more than just a date on our Calendar. Let's reflect and get close with God.

Happy lenting, and see you on the other side :)

Vai com Deus (Go with God)


p.s. did you know that "Lent" actually means "spring" (the lengthening of days after winter is over)? food for thought...


On God's path said...

I love these thoughts that you have Ashleigh. I person have given up pop, chocolate and chips, but this is not a lent thing I just started it today anyway. I love my mornings and will not trade them for anything, some of them are more rushed than others. I am working on reading through the book of prayer after my devotions. Today it spoke so loudly to me, I had to chew it and to be honest I still am. Funny thing is is that it was about fasting in prayer. Kind of ties in with the lent. Thank you for challenging my thoughts.

Gina said...

Hi - just stumbled upon your blog - you're a great writer!

Unknown said...

Thanks Ashleigh. I appreciate your thoughts on this. I hadn't decided what I was going to give up yet, but I like the focus on giving something that will focus more on God like setting the time each day... an appointment with God perhaps.... still thinking.