
Eu te louvarei...

Praise his Name!

The weather outside is WARM.

Praise his Name!

I have not yet caught the sickness flying through dorm.

Praise his Name!

Christ died for my sins.

Praise his Name!

I have a Saviour who reigns!

1 comment:

Singinglady said...

Hi again Ash

I am moving right on through the notes and this one needs little comment.

The last few days, although we are into November have been warmer than usual and we too are trying our best to avoid the sickness that is even more rampant now than it was on Oct. 22nd.

However we keep the hand sanitizer close by when we are out and keep washing off the germs!

We too Praise God every day for His touch on our lives and His saving Grace

Daniel 6:1-9
All situations present opportunities for God to manifest His sovereignty.

Lots of luv