
Banana Muffins and a restless heart...

I have quite a few bananas that need to be eaten up. I bought them last week, and while they are not black yet, they are certainly far too gone to eat by themselves. I found an easy recipe online, and am looking forward to making them.

Yesterday I went to Zehrs three times in hopes of acquiring banana boxes for packing, but I seemed to miss it just before they crushed them all. I am now the proud owner of four boxes, waiting to be picked up. I decided to put in a request instead of chancing it each time. I am not really looking forward to packing. It is a sad time, and somewhat stressful. However, I decided that I am going to try to pack as lightly as I absolutely can, meaning seriously going through my things to decide what I will keep and what I will throw or give away. Yesterday I took some sweaters that I haven't been wearing to the used clothing bins across the road, which lightened my drawers substantially.

I was reading in Ruth today, just finishing up her marriage to that nice man Boaz, and headed on over to 1 Samuel. I was impressed with Hannah's faith and determination, despite the cruelty of her husband's other wife. She brought her barrenness before the Lord, and wept before Him, but made a vow that if he gave her a child she would give it to him. That is the ultimate in surrender! I have always thought it would be so hard to do, but as I think about it, she would be so grateful to have a child that she may have given it back as a blessing with joy in her heart. I am not quite sure. Whatever her emotions, God still blessed her with three more sons and two daughters, because of her faithfulness and surrender to him. It is stories like these that inspire me in pursuing faithfulness and trust in God.

I am excited, because in two more days it is mine and Jake's three month anniversary! It feels like longer than that, while at the same time I am still incredulous that we are dating! It makes me so happy, and thankful to God!


1 comment:

Singinglady said...

Hi sweetie,
Well I am moving your backed up blogs and as I read this one, by now you have done your packing and you have moved in to your new lodgings.
I will make further comment on that when I get to that report.

Moving is defiantly for the pits and I know that there is coming a day when Pops and I have to seriously think about what we should be doing and start to get things together to move on.

Talk about making your decisions!.
This will be a “biggy” for us!
On a closing note here.
I am sure that it is hard to believe that you and Jake have now reached your three month anniversary.
It is so good to hear how happy you are with one another.
Lots of luv


Allow your Passion

When you are doing what you know you are meant to do, there's
No need to struggle.

Instead of difficult or challenging or
Frustrating, there is simply doing.

When you are merely interested, or when you're following
Someone else's dream, anything can distract you.

Yet when You're pursuing your very own passion, nothing has the power
To stop you.

True passion is not a matter of gritting your teeth and
Forcing yourself to take action. True passion is allowing
All your words, thoughts and actions to resonate with who
You most authentically are.

There's no reason to fight against yourself.

Instead, allow
Yourself in every moment to live out those interests,
Qualities, longings, ideals and purposes that you value

There is a reason why some things feel right and other
Things don't.
Pay attention to those feelings, for they tell
You who you truly are.

From you own beautiful, unique spirit can flow a wealth of
Goodness and meaningful achievement.

Feel it, know it, allow
It and it will come.

~~Ralph Marston