Dear Family and Friends:
Hello! I trust that you all have been keeping well since my last update for my trip to South Asia!
Preparations for the trip have been starting to come together. I have received my vaccinations, and have sent my passport to my team leader for the VISA. I am in the process of getting pictures done for the VISA application, which I will give to Jessica (my team leader) next week.
Yesterday I received a package in the mail from Jessica which is loaded with information about the trip, including our team biographies, introduction to cross-cultural ministries, the country profile, and spiritual preparation. I am looking forward to reading through all of this. Knowing the others on my team also have this makes me feel a sense of connection with them already. We are all preparing for this trip together, and we are all brothers and sisters in Christ longing to glorify Him in this stretching experience.
I have some exciting news to share with you! I now have received $1170 of the total $3100 for my trip that is quickly approaching! I do have some financial deadlines coming up, however. I only need $830 by April 2nd, and the remaining amount of $1100 is due by April 25th. If the Lord has been leading you to support me financially in this trip, you may send a cheque to this address for a tax receipt:
Wycliffe Bible Translators of Canada
Receipts Department
4316 10 St. NE
Calgary, AB
T2E 6K3
Thank you so much for prayerfully considering your partnership in this trip!
I do have some prayer requests:
1.) For focus and motivation in school in these last three weeks
2.) For our team to grow more in Christ this month as we prepare to leave
3.) For trust that God will provide all of our financial needs
Thank you to those who have been praying for me. Continue to keep me in your prayers as this next month is going to get busier with school and more preparations before we leave on May 4th!
God Bless!
Love, Ash

1 comment:
Dear Ash,
Thank you for the update and details of your upcoming trip.
The time is getting very close and even though all the details and support monies are not in place yet, we will pray that your needs will be fulfilled and that everything will come together.
It’ll be an exciting and challenging time for you as you put your faith to the test and also as you set out to unknown situations when you reach your destination.
Our prayers will continue to be with you and the team as you complete all the final plans and prepare to serve the Lord on this mission trip.
Lots of luv NAN
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