
Beautiful Sunshine...

Such a contrast from yesterday was this wonderful lovely day filled with glorious sunshine! It was so nice to feel the warm glow.

I had my first pilates class ever today! They are offering it here at the school, and so I signed up, hoping that I can learn something new. I just need to get a yoga mat now. We learned about lengthening our muscles, as opposed to bunching them together. I think I'm really going to enjoy it. The instructor is very nice and encouraging. There aren't as many girls taking it as I thought, but that's ok. The small classes are better anyways!

Work was ok tonight. It wasn't too busy, but I had company so that was good.

Last night I went to bed at midnight(which is early for me) and woke up at 8:30 without my alarm clock. It was so cool. I would love to go to bed early again tonight. I have a little class in the morning anyways, so it would be nice to get some sleep.

I realized how distracting the internet is. Actually, this isn't a new concept for me. This too shall pass when I have more important things to do. I pretty much have more important things to do all the time. Maybe I should give up Facebook and MSN like one of my friends is doing for Lent. Who knows. We shall see how good my stamina is! Although it wouldn't be a bad trade off-spending more time with God rather than listlessly looking at new updates on Facebook. How sarcastic was that! God is clearly the better choice. I need to get my priorities straight!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful night.

Love, Ash

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ash,
It was a beautifully sunny day here even if we were totally snowed in and did not get ploughed out until the evening!
Where did we need to go anyway! Just stay home and enjoy the “ beauty of white”!
It sounds like you are going to enjoy your palate program.
I do not know much about this form of exercise, but I do know someone who teaches it and a few who take lessons from her as well .
They seem to speak very highly of it. You will have to report on your progress once you get going.

As for the internet and the time spent on it!
I am sure when your time is at a premium with studies et al, that there might be better ways to use your time.
However I am the last one to tell you to do that as I probably spend too much time on it myself!

Love you always NAN xoxox