It has been almost a month to the day since the last time that I wrote a blog. I do need to write more. You get out of practice when you don't write for long periods of time.
I had a module class last week on the Wisdom Books. It went from 9-4 every day. I enjoyed it immensely, and learned so much. I still have projects due on March 17, but the class is over anyways. That definitely frees up my semester with only 4 classes to deal with!!!
My Christmas and New Years' was wonderful, visiting lots of family and friends. It was such a good time at home. My family got the game Sequence for Christmas, and we played it off and on throughout the holidays. I even played with Graham for about 2 hours one day! It was so much fun.
I'm excited to begin the new semester, looking forward to doing better than I did last semester.
May God bless everyone, and I hope you all have a great week!
Love, Ash
Hello my darling,
So good to see your note after your little sabbatical and rest over the Christmas vacation.
It sounds like you had a good time to relax and spend some fun times with your family and friends.
I am sure that you are missed now that you have returned to school for this semester.
Glad you found the modular class to be so interesting and I can feel your enthusiasm as you look ahead to this term and the four classes that you will have,
Our prayers will continue to be with you as you start the New Year and look to Him for the directions in your life.
Lots of love Nan xoxo
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