
Missions Conference

This week, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, we had our annual missions conference. It was so fun, and very eye-opening to the things that God is doing around the world. Tonight is the international dinner and cake auction. We raise money for those going on missions trips. It is very well attended, and everyone has a lot of fun.

School was cancelled for Tuesday and Wednesday as well, and since most of my classes are on those days, I don't have school!!

As I prepare for my trip, I am starting to get nervous. I'm so excited to be travelling again after almost two years! And to be going to Asia!! It leaves me kind of in shock.

HOpe everyone has a great day!
Love, Ash


Dear Family and Friends:

As some of you may know, I have decided to go on a vision trip to South Asia this coming May. I am going with Wycliffe Bible Translators, and because of the sensitivity of the area I am unable to mention what country I will be traveling to in writing. However, feel free to ask me as I would love to share with you all about it!

In the past I have often wondered about how I would use the gifts God gave me, and how my passion for learning new languages and experiencing other cultures could be used to serve Him. At one point translation came to mind. Now, as this opportunity has come to go and see what it is like first-hand, I cannot help but wonder how God will use this trip to either affirm this idea or reject it.

I am aware that in such a short time span it is not possible to understand or come to grips with all the things we will be experiencing there, but I am willing to get a broader understanding of the world. I have been to places that were quite poor, but I am sure that some of the places and concepts I will see in South Asia will educate me in a way that merely reading about could not suffice. I am excited to see what God is doing in this part of the world!!

As I prepare for this trip, I ask that you would support me in either or both of two ways:

1.) Prayer: Please pray for myself and the team, as we get ready to go. I have a heavy semester in terms of papers and other homework, and I am feeling very distracted. Please pray that as I prepare for the trip that I will feel God’s peace and his presence very real in my life. Please pray that once the team meets one another that we will be able to get along and feel connected to one another.
2.) Financially: Those of you who are students or who cannot give financially, please don’t worry about this! Your prayers are good enough for me! However, if anyone feels led to support me financially, I would be greatly appreciative. I need to raise $3100 in total, and if you need a tax receipt for any amount please get in touch with me.

I appreciate everyone’s support! It’s wonderful to know that I have such amazing friends and family.

I will keep you updated along the way. For now, I am learning to trust God in everything, and know that He will provide the support that I need so that I can serve Him. Thank you for joining in this opportunity!

Love, Ashleigh

If you want to get in touch with me, my e-mail is ashl5570@rogers.com


Beginnning of a New Semester...


It has been almost a month to the day since the last time that I wrote a blog. I do need to write more. You get out of practice when you don't write for long periods of time.

I had a module class last week on the Wisdom Books. It went from 9-4 every day. I enjoyed it immensely, and learned so much. I still have projects due on March 17, but the class is over anyways. That definitely frees up my semester with only 4 classes to deal with!!!

My Christmas and New Years' was wonderful, visiting lots of family and friends. It was such a good time at home. My family got the game Sequence for Christmas, and we played it off and on throughout the holidays. I even played with Graham for about 2 hours one day! It was so much fun.

I'm excited to begin the new semester, looking forward to doing better than I did last semester.

May God bless everyone, and I hope you all have a great week!

Love, Ash