Today was not a very productive day, however, it was relaxing in the sense that I have many things to do and I won't be able to relax very much soon.
I bought Handel's Messiah finally, after many years of having to suffice with waiting to see a Messiah production. I listened to almost all of it this afternoon, and NOW it feels like Christmas!
The first snow happened here last night, so I took pictures that I have yet to download only because my laptop is FULL, and I need an external hard-drive.
I believe that is all that happened today. So I bid you all "adieu" and thereby take my leave.
Love to everyone!
Love, ASh
p.s. don't forget to add your vote to the poll :D
Hi Ash,
Don’t feel badly.
My day was totally boring and unproductive as well.
I did however also go out and take some winter pix after the snow had fallen.
Those two weeks sounds ominous. I guess that is for exams and going home for Christmas as well.
I know you will enjoy the Messiah and it will certainly set the right tone for the next few weeks.
Love always Nan xoxoxo
Handel's Messiah is defiantly the music to set Christmas off in the right direction! That is such a great piece of music!
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