
It doesn't say Brasil on it!

Oh my mom is sooo funny! Yesterday was the sidewalk sale downtown, and so they had some vendors that aren't usually there. There was one booth with flags of the world, so I bought a Brasilian flag. I just showed it to mom, and she said, "It doesn't say Brasil on it!"...I looked at her, and said, "uh, mom, does Canada's flag say Canada on it?!"

haha...that was one of the best blond moments ever!

I have to go now-we're going to a family reunion today, and just heading out the door...just wanted to share with you this moment of hilarity!

Hope everyone has a great day...take care!

Love, Ash


Anonymous said...

Hi Ash
And she isn’t even blond!
Don’t be too hard on mom though! She hasn’t travelled around too much!!!
Just like her mom!
Xoxo Your Nan

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Ash. it's hard to multi-task sometimes....you caught me off guard . Hmmmmm.. does that mean that I have blonde roots somewhere? I'm on the watch for you now...and tell your secrets too... love ya, Mamalama x0x0x0