Ok, so here's how it goes.
I came home last Friday, and ever since then I have been settling in and spending time with my family.
Now it's time to get a job.
So, yesterday I called this place, and the lady, Suzie* wanted me to come in for an computer test. I completed this, and made an appointment for an interview this morning.
The Interview
(now completed, and me shaking like a nervous leaf)
Suzie: I would like to offer you a job.
Me: Oh Thank you!
Suzie: Now, are you available on week-ends?
Me: On Saturdays yes, but Sundays, no, because I go to church.
Suzie, troubled: Oh, this is going to be a problem.
Then she asks me when the service is and asks if I would be able to work afterwards. What am I supposed to say? I guess so, i mean, I would prefer not to, I mean, I ONLY QUIT MY JOB AT THE LIBRARY 4 YEARS AGO BECAUSE THEY WANTED ME TO WORK ON SUNDAYS!!!
Ok, ok, I'll calm down. But seriously. Doesn't the Lord say we are supposed to have some sort of a Sabbath day? Sure, for some people it could be Saturdays or Mondays, but for me it happens to be Sundays because that is when church is. Does nobody recognize the need for the world to be still at least one day of the week? When will anyone notice that God is even there if we work 24/7!!! That was God's whole plan: He created the world in 6 days and then rested on the 7th as a model for us to go by. Who cares what day of the week it is, as long as we take time to rest and SLOW DOWN.
So what am I doing if I say yes I will work on Sundays!!! Am I going against all that I have stood up for? Am I giving in to the world? Does it even matter anymore? I mean, everyone works on Sundays but do I have to as well? What happens if I say , No, I won't work? Will I get another good job that offers as much money as they do? Am I willing enough to trust God and hope that He has another job for me?
I mean, with this job I can't even get another part time job because the hours are so crazy. Does that mean that I might have to use OSAP for second semester and be in crazy debt?!!! I don't want to use OSAP, and that was the purpose of this summer, to get a full time and part time job so I would NOT have to resort to OSAP.
This is a crazy rant...I'm sorry, guys, I'm just trying to work out my thoughts. I'm really frustrated and not too sure what this next week will bring. Trusting in God is never easy, but I'm going to be doing a lot of praying tonight so that I can have an answer for Suzie tomorrow.
The team going to pakistan from our school left today, so if everyone could pray that God will keep them safe in this part of the world especially.
Thanks for reading, sorry I'm so messed up today.
Hope everyone has a great day..
Love, Ash
*name changed to protect the innocent
1 comment:
Hi Ash
Good to have you back in print and to hear that you are home once again for the summer.
It sounds like you are in for an interesting time with a new job to look forward to.
Quite an experience for you as you went to the interview and once again have to be prepared to take a stand for your beliefs.
We will continue to pray for you as we have all year!
Lots of love Nan
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