I still have many other worries right now, but one of my major ones is on its way out of my life!!! I finished typing my research paper up, and later on tonight I'm going to proofread it, change any crazy mistakes, and then type up my bibliography!
Thanks to everyone who prayed for me...It was very much appreciated. Don't stop! There are still many, MANY things that I need to get done.
I'm going home this week-end, and I am very excited about this! I know that this week is going to fly by, and I hope that I can use every minute God gives me productively!
Take care...
Love, Ashleigh
Hey Babe, BREATHE!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh! you did it! I am so proud of you for sticking to it...step by step you WILL get through...if you just keep one step at a time and not become overwhelmed./ We love you and are praying majorly for you ....enjoy your last 4 weeks and not only focus on the work. Find things each day to be happy about (play the"Glad Game" LOL!!) and be good to yourself too. Can't wait to see you on the week-end. Love Mamalamaxoxoxoxoxo
Hi Ash
That was good to read that you were able to get your project accomplished this weekend and ready to submit with the just the final touches this evening. Whew! Now you can have a short breather and then get on to he next, …”one step as a time” as Mamalama said!
You know you can count on us to continue to pray you through the days ahead..
Just know that many people are pulling for you!
It will be good for you to have a short visit at home later this week and then it will be “nose to the grind stone’ for the duration.!
Loveyou always Nan xoxoxoxoxoxo
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