
It just finished hailing outside my window...now it's starting back up again. What crazy weather. It wants to snow, but it wants to rain at the same time. I will never understand it.
The wedding was very beautiful on Saturday. It was very short, but it was still a nice wedding, and I'm so happy for my friend who was the groom.
The trip on the way home was even more beautiful than the one there. We were driving around Lake Superior, and everywhere we looked was a Kodak moment. We did stop at a few places to take pictures, but the rest will have to be kept in our memories. I remember one picture perfect moment, where the moon had just risen, and it was half behind a cloud and then slowly started rising. It finally reached a point so high in the sky that it was like a light for the whole earth, becuase it was so bright. I also had a wonderful time with mom and dad, just talking, sleeping, or laughing at how mom drives in the dark...good memories! Especially her driving in the dark with transport trucks coming around crazy bends in the road, and Josh Groban blasting from the car speakers. I definitely could not catch my breath from laughing so hard! Good times!
Well, today I'm going to do my homework for Tuesday and Wednesday's classes. I had better go and do that now.
Hope everyone is having a great day
Love, Ash

1 comment:

Singing Lady said...

Hi Ash,
So good to hear from you again.
We missed you this week.
You must have been frozen in time and space with the nasty weather that we had this week.
Too early for all this nonsense isn’t it!!!!
It sounds like you had an amazing weekend though and hopefully the pictures that you didn’t get onto the actual film will be indelibly etched in your memory.
Hope that you get all you homework done for next week.
Have a great weekend and try to stay warm!
Lots of luv
Nan xoxox