
Just finished packing all my clothes in my suitcase...but that doesn't mean I'm finished packing yet. I have a ton of other things that I have to find room for in my other suitcase! No, I will have room. Thank goodness they're big suitcases.
Anyways, I think this will be the last blog I write before I leave. Because tomorrow morning I have to get up really early to go to the airport. And finally, I will arrive in Canada on Wednesday morning.
Yesterday I went to the English church in the morning, and then went and visited some friends to say goodbye to them for the afternoon. Then Graça's daughter Dani and her husband and children and I went to the supermarket to buy some groceries for her house. She brought her digital camera, and we were being really goofy in the store, taking pictures of ourselves with towels wrapped around us and stuff like that. However, one guy who worked there came around and told us that we weren't allowed to take pictures..so much for our fun! But that's ok. It was good while it lasted.
I was so tired last night. I had planned to pack my suitcases last night, but after we came home from eating pizza, I was so tired I could hardly talk! Needless to say,I went to sleep and hardly remember my head touching the pillow!
Well, I should go now. Have lots of things to do today, including going to the airport. I have to switch my Varig flight to GOL, because Varig isn't doing any more flights. So, let's see how that works out.
But I have to say, I appreciate everyone who read my blogs, who left comments, and glad that most people enjoyed them. Sorry some days I didn't write, but it can be draining to write blogs sometimes. Anyways, thanks for all your prayers, I survived, and I'm coming home now! Looking forward to seeing everyone so much. Miss you guys!!!
Love, Ash
P.s. I will try to write when I get home.


Singing Lady said...

Hi Ash,
Everyone here is thinking about you and praying as you spend your last day preparing for home and saying your final goodbyes to everyone.
I know we have enjoyed reading everyone of your blogs as you have taken us along on this wonderful journey to Brazil and made us feel as if we were right there with you too.
Just know that we will be praying you all the way home on the long air trip ahead and we hope that everything will go smoothly for you.
Lots of luv Nan

Anonymous said...

LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!