
Andréa and I went to Vôo Livre today, and it went well. She taught them about countable and non-countable nouns...now, I sure didn't know what this was before I came here. So, even in your own language you can learn something new!
For lunch we drove to her boyfriend's house and his mom had lunch ready for us..it was rice and beans, and squash, somekind of meat, and then fried fish...and it was still in the shape of the fish. That kind of threw me off...but it was ok...I took one without the head, just the tail. It tasted good though. (by the way, the sardines we ate were from a can, but you can probably buy them fresh too)
I think I'm just getting a little too fished out lately!!! It is very good!
Not entirely sure what is happening tomorrow, but you know, surprises are fun.
You know what else I like? Listening to Portuguese music on the radio and understanding more than I did when I first came here. It is so cool!
Obviously it isn't that easy to understand everything, but if it is a slower song, I can usually catch at least a sentence or two and understand!!
Well, I'm signing off for tonight...getting a little tired.
talk to you all later
Love, AShleigh

1 comment:

Singing Lady said...

Yo ho!
Just a quick reply here
Glad you got to the school today and that it was a learning experience for you too in the grammar department! Just shows that you can always learn something new!

These fishy stories are quite interesting. You will be able to accept anything that is put before you when you come home! Between fish heads and cows tails .it just goes from one end to the other!
And soon you will be able sing in Portuguese too, How about the dancing?
Have a great weekend.
Lots of luv Nan