
What I'm Into: March 2015 Edition

In the Kitchen
I've been eating pretty close to a paleo diet lately, which means no grains (including rice, and quinoa).  This is a personal choice, and I'm not going to lie and say it hasn't been difficult, but I've been enjoying the physical changes I'm seeing.  I'm still abstaining from sugar for Lent, only allowing it on Sundays.  Needless to say, our meals haven't been exactly interesting.  More protein (which Jake is loving), and so many vegetables and fruits in the fridge.  It's scary.  Not saying that vegetables and fruits aren't interesting, but it's hard adjusting to the absence of a particular food group.

On my Night table 
Currently Reading: 
I gave up reading fiction novels for Lent, so I haven't been reading too much the past couple of months.

Yes Please, Amy Poehler- I just finished this memoir.  It was okay...nothing really magical or enlightening. It's always reading about the secret life of actors 

Through my headphones
Outlines, Dragonette
Lean on, Major Lazer & DJ Snake
Sam Smith- His voice kills me.  It's so beautiful
Anything EDM, pop, and whatever my sister sends me to listen to

Blogilates- Cassey Ho is an energetic and inspiring YouTube fitness instructor.  I've been enjoying doing her monthly calendars, and using the Blogilates app has been useful since all her videos are right there, and I can check them off when I'm done.  I lost 5 inches in the month of February simply by following her videos and cutting out sugar most days, as well as trying to eat healthier in general.  Cassey has been good for me.

Yoga- Yoga with Adriene has been great.  I'm working through her 30 Days of Yoga series, and finding it's been excellent for de-stressing and flexbility

Readings in my Bible
I'm still following the She Reads Truth program, and working my way through the Bible-in-a-Year plan.  The Lent readings have been good, as we've been focusing on Christ's sacrifice, working our way towards Good Friday and the celebration of His resurrection.  So thankful for this time of year, when we take the time to remember the forgiveness and grace we have in Christ Jesus.
