
Holiday Traditions...

The Christmas season has crept up on me this year, and I am not surprised in the least.  Being distracted with a little baby is enough to keep all the holiday preparations at bay for a long while.  However, Jake and I have our own family traditions that we've been looking forward to, and one of them is making sure that we get a 'Christmas morning' with just us, even if it's not on the 25th.  This year it will be on Saturday.  We're looking forward to Adrian's first time under the tree, listening to and reflecting on the coming of our Lord (and the miracle of His birth has a whole new meaning for us now!), opening some gifts, and eating cinnamon rolls and a delicious turkey dinner.  Generally we like to go to the movies on Christmas day, but it will be difficult to take Adrian, so instead we will be at our church for a time of Christmas carols and delicious baked holiday treats. 

I think Adrian has already got the festive spirit down pretty well...
Four weeks and 6 days old
From my family to yours, have a wonderful and hope-filled holiday.  



Being Crafty...

Since becoming a mother, I have been more determined than ever to not let the things that I previously enjoyed doing go to the wayside.  I've slowly been trying to reintroduce certain things into my daily routine.

Most recently I took up crocheting again.  Jake and I enjoy watching a lot of movies, so if he is holding Adrian, that's the perfect time for me to do a little project.  This week I completed a hat for the first time ever, and it doesn't look terrible.

Ever since I learned how to crochet when I was about ten years old, I've had a on-again off-again relationship.  I'll get inspired to do something one minute, and then completely drop the project for a solid year or two before starting again.  I hope this is one skill that I can improve in over time.

Here is what I'm hoping to make next:

Photo Source: http://www.hopefulhoney.com/2013/11/baby-pom-pom-hat-crochet-pattern.html
We'll see how it goes!

What do you enjoy crafting?
