
Thought for the Day...

"Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord." Ps. 31:24

This verse stood out to me during Bible reading this morning:

"I will dwell among the children of Israel and will be their God. And they shall know that I am the LORD their God who brought them up out of the land of Egypt, that I may dwell among them. I am the LORD their God." Ex. 29:45

It's so interesting, because in Genesis, God originally desired to dwell in the garden among the people He created . However, Adam and Eve's sin created a separation between God and all of mankind for as long as we live on this earth. In Exodus, with the introduction of the tabernacle, God created a way that He could dwell among His people once again, but there was so much sacrifice to be made to atone for their sin. That's why it's so beautiful that Christ became our sacrifice, so that the Holy Spirit could, not just dwell among us, but in us. I love that!



Bleary Eyed Wonder...

How often have I thought that staring at the computer is a massive waste of time? How often do I say to myself, "I should be doing homework..." or "I should be doing the dishes..."?

Well, it only happens every time I'm on the computer. I never feel guilt free while staring catatonic at the screen. And tonight, I have more important things to do. Like finishing my Bible reading for yesterday AND today. And doing some more reading for that book report that's due on Feb. 15.

However, I will say one thing before I go. This week-end was a blast. I drove up to my hometown and spent some time with one of my besties Ruth-Ann. It's her birthday tomorrow, and we wanted to celebrate in style. And if celebrating in style means watching "Maid in Manhattan" and sinking our teeth into gooey spelt cinnamon buns, well, that's perfection :) I also had a chance to visit Mom, Dad, and the whole gang, including Zena, their new German Shepherd puppy. She's so cute! Then I headed on over to Mel and Nathanael's house, where I expertly received a parking ticket for parking on the street overnight. It was well worth it to catch up with the newlyweds, and even sleep over there.

Needless to say, it was wonderful to reunite with Jake this afternoon over a lovely lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches after church; then, since naps are where it's at on Sunday afternoons, we slept and let the sleep fairies dance across our eyelids, not caring a bit about the Superbowl that was about to commence.

I must away, and apparently speak in a language one likens to Jane Austen. *Sleep, please come swiftly tonight!*




I have wanted to blog for a while, but here we are, a month later, and I am still feeling blank. I have started reading some other people's blogs, and have been feeling very underqualified. In some ways, I suppose I feel like my blogs aren't "every day" enough, or aren't descriptive enough. I struggle with comparison a lot. It's so hard to remember that I am unique, and God created me with passions and topics to write about that no one else does. Ai ai ai. Hopefully it will sink in soon.

On a lighter note, Jake and I both have full time jobs again. Jake got laid off a week ago, and I haven't had a full time job since-well, I can't remember. We were both rather downcast, but I suppose that our wonderful Creator had some other plans in mind-to remind us of His love and provision for us. It was literally only five days that Jake went from being laid off to having another job. If that isn't a miracle from the Lord, then I don't know what is! I have a job at, yup, you guessed it, our most beloved coffee shop. I have no time to remind myself of that relentless, clingy smell that lingers long after one leaves. I am simply marveling at God's grace, and His timing couldn't be better. So, if you think of us, please pray that God will provide Jake & I with some time to ourselves, as well as the energy to press on and complete the tasks we need to (like me and my homework that needs to be done as I type).

I've started doing a pilates video, which is by Denise Austin. It's called Shrink your Fat Zones, and I hope it works, because I have been in so much pain for the past 3 days. The three places it targets are your upper body, your core, and then your legs/butt/thighs. Jake was surprised I've been so diligent with it, since most of the other work-out vids have been collecting dust and cobwebs. The trick is this: she wants you to do it for 21 days to see results. I've heard that you can form a habit if you do it for 21 days. I suppose the reason I am eager to do it every day is because I have a goal. I have something I can look forward to completing in 21 days. Hopefully it works :)

I hope everyone has a great week-end!
